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At Chugg Financial, our experience is technology-imbedded ranging from hardware to software to data. We validate and analyze data to understand the situation and optimize the solution. We can identify and select best-in-class technologies or manage the commercialization of technologies. We put technology at your service to build a more profitable future.

  • Chemical Fertilizer
  • Farm Automation
  • Integrated Dairy and Creamery
  • Microbial Fertilizer and Waterway Renewal
  • Solar-Powered Pond Aeration
  • Analysis Billing Implementation
  • Banking Applications Evaluation
  • Blockchain Solution for International Currency
  • Digitalization Strategy
  • Integrated Payment Invoicing and Receiving App
  • Mortgage Prospect Identification and Qualification
  • Process Automation
  • Food Processing
  • Solution Mining
  • Water Treatment and Delivery
Data Analytics
  • Data Management
  • Data Validation
  • ERP and ERM Selection and Implementation
  • Monte Carlo Simulation
  • Optimization
  • Statistical Analysis
Homeland Security
  • Biological, Chemical, Radiological Agent Detection
  • First Responder Alerts and Communication
  • Logistics Tracking
  • Military All-Terrain Amphibious Vehicle
  • Smart Wide-Area Surveillance
  • Color-Matching Shopping App
  • Integrated Payment Invoicing and Receiving App
  • Rural – Remote Area Communications Access
  • Virtual Classroom Solutions